This little Beauty scored a first place finish at the fair last week for the stamping stationary category, under comments they enjoyed the color combination and the organization. I used my PTI SS Reveal gift as a template however, I decided to leave off the handles and make it a bit more on the masculine side. You can find the template {here} For a more finished look of the clear boxes make sure you cut card stock to cover the inside of box otherwise when the cards and pad are removed your adhesive shows through the box. I also used a Velcro circle to adhere the flap to the back side of my tote.
Product list...
PTI Everyday Button Bits stamp set
PTI DP, card stock, ink, ribbon, buttons and clearly creative card box
Marvy scallop circle punch
cricut expression
cricut george cartridge
post it note pad
RSVP pen
SU punch, Lots of Thoughts and Borderline stamp sets
Red Liner tape
Velcro Circle
Scor Pal
It is the first day of school today D is a freshman and L is a seventh grader, my how time does fly.
Happy Stamp Day!
I can see why it won first place, it's wonderful!!!
This is so beautiful. I love the colors, and of course that set is just so cute. This would be a great gift for a man!
very cute!! love the black, of course!! glad you finally got a new camera!
Adorable set!
Beautiful card Sara and it is nice to have a new camera.
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