I found this site through my beautiful stamping friend Cheryl, you can find her blog {here}.
Courage to me is trusting in God to get you through what has to be done it may be...
Joshua 1:9
Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Riding a roller coaster with friends or it may be doing that somersault in PE. For me I place my Courage in God and know through Him I can do anything, and this is the message I strive to pass onto our family.
Next my Father taught me how to find this courage and build my faith in God, lately he keeps saying he was never there (when it comes to my childhood) well I have a different memory here we go...
Yep, it is me 1970 with my Dad are we not cute or what? LOL, look D I have the same skunk hair as little J had ROTFLOL!

Dad, you would put us to bed reading to us from our story Bible and bring us to church on Sunday Morning. You were there to tell the lady in front of us to sit forward because I had my hand on the back of the pew and she was squishing it, LOL! You were the one who would dive to Sioux Falls and pick us up from Grandma's on Sunday morning so we could make church.
Dad, you are the one who taught me how to be a great bowler and softball player. You were there to teach, drive and watch games.
Dad, you are the one who took us camping almost every weekend of every summer. You are the one who laughed hysterically at life events as we were falling asleep in the camper telling stories.
Dad, you came to see me take my vow of Faith when you had said you would not be going, did you see how happy I was when I spotted you up in the balcony?
Dad, you taught me the joys that working hard would bring to the Family. If it was planting a garden on hands and knees or carting wood for the winter, I am happy now that I had that opportunity.
Dad, you took me to the playground and pushed me on the swings. (Underdog day included, lol!)
Dad, you did not get mad at me for taking my first picture at Disneyland even though you told me not to touch the camera. When the developed photos came back I remember you laughing because you were in the know that I had fibbed about doing it.
Nope, not ME, I didn't take any pictures! The proof is in the developed photos, this is the first photo I ever took some turtles in a pond at Disney.

Dad, you were the one who brought home root beer barrels in your pocket every night and let us walk on your back and wrestle you. You would even let us watch Sesame Street at 6 even though we had watched it twice during the day and you wanted to see the news.
Dad, you drove all the way to Ft. Dodge IA to bring me home for Thanksgiving (even if it was for just one day) because I could not get my car running.
Dad you were there the two days in my life's journey when I really needed someone, you were there not judging just helping to get me along the path.
So do you know see that for me you were there...the things that you did when you had the time are what mean the most to me.
Love you Dad, thanks for teaching me Faith and showing me the Courage that comes along with believing.
Happy Stamp Day! I promise some stamping for you on Thursday;)
Sara, your dad sounds like a wonderful man! How fortunate for you to have such loving childhood memories!
What wonderful memories of your father. And don't you love the incourage blog--what wonderful writers are there for us to read their stories. I hope yours gets published on the blog. We all need encouragement. I especially like the God Watch post. Thanks for staying with me, Sara, even tho I don't post much.
Sara...what a wonderful heart warming post about your Dad and faith. Beautifully writen!
What a beautiful testimony to your father's love for you and your sis.
Aw, I loved reading about your dad and how he encourages you. Thank you for sharing a link to this post on (in)courage...we so rarely stop to acknowledge those who give us encouragement and courage in life...
Sara - a beautiful and warm post about the love between father and daughter. Awesome. Courage is something we all need at different times in different forms and I think having loving family and friends can help.
this was so great! thanks for sharing! >"<
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