This is the Birthday cake my DH brought home for me on Tuesday, LOL. I loved it, well it being Chocolate helped a bunch. The lady he works with at the grocery came up with the yarn idea, so perfect for this year.
And yes, I have been a bit crabby lately. Who would not be walking around with a broken tooth and a sore back. Okay, probably more disenchanted then crabby waiting for another shoe to drop and something else to go wrong.
On Thursday our DD passed the tests to get her Drivers Permit, she actually drove us around Sioux Falls and then home. Two new disasters, and major freak outs by me but we made it. DH is teaching her, he used to train drivers for a CDL license so he figures he could teach his DD how to drive a car. Good luck, I will make sure to stay home for the next lesson. It is so very hard watching your kids grow wings and start doing what they want to do, ACK time passes very quickly does it not?
Have a great weekend and a Happy Stamp Day!
Oh, I love this cake--what a sense of humor your DH has, and congrats to DD--do you think you'll live through it Sara? LOL!
omg, that cake made me laugh!! don't worry i'm crabby too...it comes with the long, winded contract we have!! brock is ready for driving school...we are not ready!! how are you doing with this issue?
Too funny! Love the cake! I remember going for my first drive with my mom. I pulled out of the driveway. She said pull back in...your dad can take you. I think I almost took out the garage and a tree just backing out...LOL. Your DD sounds like she did much better...=) congrats to her!
That cake was absolutely perfect!
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