from Faith Sisters site...Can you think of a song that reminds you that you have a perfect Heavenly Father? Or a song that makes you think about your own children and how much you want to be the very best parent you can be for them? Maybe just a song that brings you the comfort and protection that only being embraced by Him can bring? I hope you will join us this month in creating a layout inspired by your favorite songs. Below are a few songs I thought fit this topic, but feel free to share any song that you feel drawn too.
Already Home- Thousand Foot Krutch
In My Arms- Plumb
Prodigal- Casting Crowns
To hear Come Home Running by Chris Tomlin take this link.
For my song I used Come Home Running by Chris Tomlin. Chris has been a long time fave of mine, he also sings Amazing Grace My chains are Gone. Some words to this song that remind me of the love and Grace of God are...
Oh child of God, so dearly loved...and called by name.
Isiah 43
43:1 But now thus says the Lord,
he who created you, O Jacob,
he who formed you, O Israel:
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by name, you are mine.
God is forever loving we are fearfully and wonderfully made(Psalms 139:15), he has named us, counted the hairs on our heads (Luke 12:7). So Come Home Running his arms are open wide.
Sara this is gorgeous! I absolutlely love the colors and the layout, and also the font you've used. Wonderful job!
this is very pretty! love the colors!
This is beautiful Sara!!
This is awesome! I'll have to check out that song!
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