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Cricut Expression
Cricut Design Studio
Cricut George and Basic Shape Cartridge
Cricut Plantin Schoolbook Cartridge
PTI card stock, and Ink
PTI Anniversary set
PTI Floral Frenzy
Scallop Punch
Don't have to tell you how much I love flowers, IRL, paper or crocheted. This year DH and the girls planted a vegetable garden for us in the back yard, hopefully it is in a more prime spot compared to the first year we moved here when it did not grow so well.
Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." and
God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:11-12
Happy Stamp Day!
Sara, I love this! It is absolutely gorgeous--I love the flowers behind the garden gate! VERY nice work! I will not buy a Cricut...I will not buy a Cricut...LOL!
Awesome garden gate! Love it!
I am amazed at how everyone has done such cool things with their cricuts. I am still learning to use mine. I wish I did have the basics and George cartridges for things like that.
I hope you don't mind me asking that you check out an entry I made over at with my boxer dog layout. I am hoping to win a contest they have for their ScrapDesk.
If you have time would you check out my entry and maybe send me a vote? I really appreciate it.
click to see my entry
WOW Sara, the gate is SO cool! You are SO good with the Cricut!!! I'm still in the thinking stage of getting one.
Oh my word!! This is just breath taking!! I love the dsp that you created, so beautiful! And that gate is just too cute!!
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