TLC154, I did not figure these out in grade school but I made it a point this week to get one made. I had no luck at all with cardstock or DP, the thing that worked for me was some of the girl's Construction paper. Notice what is missing?

Over on
Sisterhood of Scrap the challenge was to blog about your favorite childhood candy, my list is long....................................................................................................................As Garfield says, "Gimmie Candy Lady".......................................................................................................................................Let's start here
"Wax Lips"Remember these? My sister and I would have these in our mouths constantly. My Mom and Dad hated them and we were getting yelled at all the time for having them.
Pop Rocks Grape, what can I say THEY ROCK!
We used to ride our bikes up to the gas station and recycle our glass Coke Bottles in exchange for candy treats that included Pop
Bottle Caps, Fun Dip,
Gob Stoppers candy necklaces and
Pixie Sticks (the giant ones YUMMY). I guess that gives my age away some, recycle glass pop bottles OH MY!
A daily trip was made to the bowling alley to get our Mom a
Nut Goodie, she really loved them and I am telling you it was an everyday event. (Personally I think they are gross, they rank right up there with Almond Joy for last in line for my vote of
what not to eat of stranded in a candy store.)Tootsie Rolls, "Whatever it is I think I see becomes a Tootsie Roll to Me", Tootsie Pops and
Tootsie Hard Candies (If anyone knows where to get some of these Tootsie hard candies please, please, please let me know.) Remember the Owl commercial one, two, three "Crunch", three....
Hershey bars were always a fave and still number one on my list. Everyday I would start a new diet by going up town and eating a Hershey. No sadly this diet does not work.
Fizz, these worked long before diet Coke and Mentos if you know what I mean. Hard candy outside and a bitter fizz on the inside, LOVE IT!
Strawberry Charleston Chews Frozen, can't beat that!
We would copy my Dad when we had our
Candy Cigarettes.
Circus Peanuts, hate them. But love the story that goes with them. They were my Grandpa's Favorite candy treat and every Sunday we would visit that is what our treat was. Every Easter that was our treat from Grandpa, don't know if he ever really was in the know that I did not like them.
Mike and Ike (again only the grape ones).
Bit-o-HoneyWow I really go on and on. Was I just complaining a few months ago that my root canal and crown failed? Guess it should come as no surprise, LOL!
My favorite story has to be of
Root Beer Barrels. Our Dad would come home everyday with his pockets full of Root Beer Barrels and tickle us silly make us walk on his back etc. After the horseplay was over we would get the candy. That was a fun time.
Fruit Stripe Gum, was a huge hit on our Vacation trips. I bet they thought if they filled our mouths with gum we would be quiet, NOT! Are we there yet?
Salt Water Taffy from the Black hills taffy shop in Keystone. This was a yearly stop on our trip to the Hills, still is a stop anytime we get close to town.
Sugar Babies and
Sugar Daddy. Don't bite the Sugar Daddy you will pull a tooth out, (true story that is how I lost one of my baby teeth with a Sugar Daddy.
Grape Laughy TaffyBig League ChewChicklets"Whistle Pops"
This was fun, anyone know of a great Dentist??
So did you notice what was missing from my Sweet Centerpiece? You guessed it, CANDY! We try not to keep it in the house, I guess I do not have to tell you why.
Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by.